In 1985 the first "Les Diablesses" gang from Catalonia was created, made up entirely of girls, with the aim of innovating the "Les Santes de Mataró" programme with a brave and daring contribution of celebration and fire.

The gang is made up of thirty-eight members accompanied by twenty musicians who play the tabals, the boxes, the bass drum, the pailes, the bell and the whistle. Each "Diablessa" carries a wheelbarrow (pyrotechnic object), which it places on top of the mallet. Once the "wheelbarrow" is lit, an umbrella of sparks of fire has produced that run over the heads of the people around them, until it ends with a small thunder. When it's time to show off at Mataró Town Hall (in acts like "La Crida" or "La Dormida"), six "Diablesses" surround a giant gallows with wheelbarrows and titansto the sound of "La Tabalada".

The wardrobe was an idea of the local artist Néfer Rovira and is made up of a layer of red and black fabrics, covered with symbols reminiscent of flames of fire and night, some painted and others sewed forming a relief on the clothes.

For safety reasons, since 1994, each "Diablessa" has brought a bag that can contain about twenty "wheelbarrows", so they have more autonomy and avoid the concentration of gunpowder to a single carrier.

Acts in which they participate: They also participate in "La Fogonada de Mataró" during the Day of Sant Jordi and for 26 years have given and made known the city of Mataró to many places in Catalonia where they participate in "Correfocs".
